This sermon uses I Timothy 3:16 as the text and considers the mystery of Godliness as it pertains to God being manifested in the flesh, and then how this mystery of Godliness is played out in the life of a Christian. During the service Lisa Sorrell sang an impromptu song, The Wonder of Wonders. The audio of the song is at the beginning of this video.

Author: Wayne Murphey

Wayne Murphey’s life has centered on publishing and preaching the Gospel. His grandfather was the founder of Faith Publishing House and his father was a minister and producer of a Christian radio broadcast and newsletter. At age 21, he felt God’s call into the ministry and was mentored by veteran ministers who took an active interest in his gospel endeavors. God has blessed Wayne with many opportunities to minister to a wide range of people. He has conducted revivals, served as an itinerant and interim minister, and been involved in missionary work in Mexico, Jamaica and the Philippines. In 2002, Wayne Murphey and Grace McMillan, with the help of a group of dedicated Christians, established the non-denominational congregation called Church of God Outreach. The church is providing an avenue for God’s spirit to minister to others through regular services, special gatherings, missionary efforts and concerts.

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